Category: iOS

  • Adapt to physical camera control button within your own iOS app (for SwiftUI, Zoom, Exposure, & Custom Controls)

    This article talks about adapting the new physical camera button within your iOS app.


    If you do nothing, and when the user presses the camera button within your app, it always goes to the system Camera app. However, with some minor adjustments, user can use the camera button to take pictures within your own app, and your app can provide custom controls to the camera, for example, allow the user to change the filter by swiping on the physical camera button.

    Also, you can add cool new control options, like shown in the above 2 screenshots.

    Let’s get started!

    Starting point

    We will start from a very simple SwiftUI view that shows a camera and a capture button:

    This is the view model that manages the permission to access camera, and take actions when we need to take a picture, and receives the image and saves it to a variable.

    // MARK: - Unified Camera ViewModel
    class CameraViewModel: NSObject, ObservableObject {
        // Session states
        enum CameraSetupState {
            case idle
            case configured
            case permissionDenied
            case failed
        @Published var setupState: CameraSetupState = .idle
        @Published var capturedPhoto: UIImage? = nil
        @Published var permissionGranted: Bool = false
        let session = AVCaptureSession()
        private let photoOutput = AVCapturePhotoOutput()
        private var videoInput: AVCaptureDeviceInput?
        // Dispatch queue for configuring the session
        private let configurationQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "")
        override init() {
        deinit {
        // MARK: - Public API
        /// Checks camera permissions and configures session if authorized.
        func requestAccessIfNeeded() {
            let authStatus = AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for: .video)
            switch authStatus {
                case .authorized:
                    permissionGranted = true
                case .notDetermined:
                    AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(for: .video) { [weak self] granted in
                        guard let self = self else { return }
                        DispatchQueue.main.async {
                            if granted {
                                self.permissionGranted = true
                            } else {
                                self.setupState = .permissionDenied
                    // Denied or Restricted
                    setupState = .permissionDenied
        /// Initiate photo capture.
        func capturePhoto() {
            guard setupState == .configured else { return }
            let settings = AVCapturePhotoSettings()
            photoOutput.capturePhoto(with: settings, delegate: self)
        // MARK: - Session Configuration
        private func configureSessionIfIdle() {
            configurationQueue.async { [weak self] in
                guard let self = self, self.setupState == .idle else { return }
                self.session.sessionPreset = .photo
        private func addCameraInput() {
            do {
                guard let backCamera = AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInWideAngleCamera,
                                                               for: .video,
                                                               position: .back) else {
                    print("CameraViewModel: Back camera is unavailable.")
                    setupState = .idle
                let cameraInput = try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: backCamera)
                if session.canAddInput(cameraInput) {
                    videoInput = cameraInput
                    DispatchQueue.main.async {
                        self.setupState = .configured
                } else {
                    print("CameraViewModel: Unable to add camera input to session.")
                    setupState = .idle
            } catch {
                print("CameraViewModel: Error creating camera input - \(error)")
                setupState = .failed
        private func addPhotoOutput() {
            guard session.canAddOutput(photoOutput) else {
                print("CameraViewModel: Cannot add photo output.")
                setupState = .failed
            photoOutput.maxPhotoQualityPrioritization = .quality
            DispatchQueue.main.async {
                self.setupState = .configured
        private func startSessionIfReady() {
            guard setupState == .configured else { return }
        private func stopSession() {
            configurationQueue.async { [weak self] in
                guard let self = self else { return }
                if self.session.isRunning {
    // MARK: - AVCapturePhotoCaptureDelegate
    extension CameraViewModel: AVCapturePhotoCaptureDelegate {
        func photoOutput(_ output: AVCapturePhotoOutput,
                         didFinishProcessingPhoto photo: AVCapturePhoto,
                         error: Error?) {
            guard error == nil else {
                print("CameraViewModel: Error capturing photo - \(error!)")
            guard let photoData = photo.fileDataRepresentation() else {
                print("CameraViewModel: No photo data found.")
            self.capturedPhoto = UIImage(data: photoData)

    This is our UIKit compatible view so we can show the camera preview layer within SwiftUI:

    // MARK: - SwiftUI Representable for Camera Preview
    struct CameraLayerView: UIViewRepresentable {
        let cameraSession: AVCaptureSession
        func makeUIView(context: Context) -> CameraContainerView {
            let container = CameraContainerView()
            container.backgroundColor = .black
            container.previewLayer.session = cameraSession
            container.previewLayer.videoGravity = .resizeAspect
            return container
        func updateUIView(_ uiView: CameraContainerView, context: Context) {
            // No dynamic updates needed
        // A UIView subclass that hosts an AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer
        class CameraContainerView: UIView {
            override class var layerClass: AnyClass {
            var previewLayer: AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer {
                guard let layer = self.layer as? AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer else {
                    fatalError("CameraContainerView: Failed casting layer to AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer.")
                return layer

    And this is our main SwiftUI view:

    // MARK: - SwiftUI Main View
    struct ContentView: View {
        @ObservedObject var viewModel = CameraViewModel()
        var body: some View {
            GeometryReader { _ in
                ZStack(alignment: .bottom) {
                    CameraLayerView(cameraSession: viewModel.session)
                        .onAppear {
                    // Capture button
                    VStack {
                        Button {
                        } label: {
                            Text("Take Photo")
                        .padding(.bottom, 20)
                    // Thumbnail of the captured photo
                    if let image = viewModel.capturedPhoto {
                        Image(uiImage: image)
                            .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
                            .frame(width: 120, height: 90)
                            .padding(.bottom, 80)
    // MARK: - SwiftUI Preview
    #Preview {

    Capture picture when pressing camera button

    As we talked about, if your app does not adapt this, when the user presses on the camera button, it will jump to the camera app.

    To allow your app to handle the take picture action, simply import the AVKit framework and add a view modifier onCameraCaptureEvent() view modifier to your camera preview layer CameraLayerView:

    CameraLayerView(cameraSession: viewModel.session)
        .onAppear {
        .onCameraCaptureEvent() { event in
            if event.phase == .began {

    Now, whenever the user presses the camera button on the side, it will call the code block you provided, which you can call the capture photo function within your view model.

    Checking support

    You can check if the user’s device has support for camera button by checking the supportsControls parameter within your camera session AVCaptureSession:

    In our provided starting point code, you can call it like this

    struct ContentView: View {
        @ObservedObject var viewModel = CameraViewModel()
        var body: some View {
            GeometryReader { _ in
                // ... //
            .task {
                let supportsCameraButton = self.viewModel.session.supportsControls

    Add zoom control

    We can easily add a control for the zoom level. What’s great is that iOS system handles the zoom automatically, and your app get notified the zoom level to be shown in your own UI:

    To get started, first, set a camera control delegate to your camera session:

    self.session.setControlsDelegate(self, queue: self.cameraControlQueue)

    Now, conform your class to AVCaptureSessionControlsDelegate and add the required functions.

    // MARK: - AVCaptureSessionControlsDelegate
    extension CameraViewModel: AVCaptureSessionControlsDelegate {
        func sessionControlsDidBecomeActive(_ session: AVCaptureSession) {
        func sessionControlsWillEnterFullscreenAppearance(_ session: AVCaptureSession) {
        func sessionControlsWillExitFullscreenAppearance(_ session: AVCaptureSession) {
        func sessionControlsDidBecomeInactive(_ session: AVCaptureSession) {

    Even if you do nothing in the above functions, you have to implement the delegate in order to use the camera control features.

    Now, we will initialize the system zoom control:

    let systemZoomSlider = AVCaptureSystemZoomSlider(device: backCamera) { zoomFactor in
        // Calculate and display a zoom value.
        let displayZoom = backCamera.displayVideoZoomFactorMultiplier * zoomFactor
        // Update the user interface.

    Here, we provide the camera device as the input. Within the code block, the system will run our code whenever the zoom level changes.

    We will then remove all existing controls of the camera, and add the system zoom slider:

    /// remove existing camera controls first
    self.session.controls.forEach({ self.session.removeControl($0) })
    /// add new ones
    let controlsToAdd: [AVCaptureControl] = [systemZoomSlider]
    for control in controlsToAdd {
        if self.session.canAddControl(control) {

    Here is my updated CameraViewModel

    // MARK: - Unified Camera ViewModel
    class CameraViewModel: NSObject, ObservableObject {
        // Session states
        enum CameraSetupState {
            case idle
            case configured
            case permissionDenied
            case failed
        @Published var setupState: CameraSetupState = .idle
        @Published var capturedPhoto: UIImage? = nil
        @Published var permissionGranted: Bool = false
        let session = AVCaptureSession()
        private let photoOutput = AVCapturePhotoOutput()
        private var videoInput: AVCaptureDeviceInput?
        // Dispatch queue for configuring the session
        private let configurationQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "")
        private let cameraControlQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "")
        override init() {
        deinit {
        // MARK: - Public API
        /// Checks camera permissions and configures session if authorized.
        func requestAccessIfNeeded() { ... }
        /// Initiate photo capture.
        func capturePhoto() { ... }
        // MARK: - Session Configuration
        private func configureSessionIfIdle() { ... }
        private func addCameraInput() {
            do {
                guard let backCamera = AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInWideAngleCamera,
                                                               for: .video,
                                                               position: .back) else {
                    print("CameraViewModel: Back camera is unavailable.")
                    setupState = .idle
                let cameraInput = try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: backCamera)
                if session.canAddInput(cameraInput) {
                    videoInput = cameraInput
                    DispatchQueue.main.async {
                        self.setupState = .configured
                } else {
                    print("CameraViewModel: Unable to add camera input to session.")
                    setupState = .idle
                // configure for camera control button
                let systemZoomSlider = AVCaptureSystemZoomSlider(device: backCamera) { zoomFactor in
                    // Calculate and display a zoom value.
                    let displayZoom = backCamera.displayVideoZoomFactorMultiplier * zoomFactor
                    // Update the user interface.
                /// remove existing camera controls first
                self.session.controls.forEach({ self.session.removeControl($0) })
                /// add new ones
                let controlsToAdd: [AVCaptureControl] = [systemZoomSlider]
                for control in controlsToAdd {
                    if self.session.canAddControl(control) {
                /// set delegate
                self.session.setControlsDelegate(self, queue: self.cameraControlQueue)
            } catch {
                print("CameraViewModel: Error creating camera input - \(error)")
                setupState = .failed
        private func addPhotoOutput() { ... }
        private func startSessionIfReady() { ... }
        private func stopSession() { ... }
    // MARK: - AVCaptureSessionControlsDelegate
    extension CameraViewModel: AVCaptureSessionControlsDelegate {
        func sessionControlsDidBecomeActive(_ session: AVCaptureSession) {
        func sessionControlsWillEnterFullscreenAppearance(_ session: AVCaptureSession) {
        func sessionControlsWillExitFullscreenAppearance(_ session: AVCaptureSession) {
        func sessionControlsDidBecomeInactive(_ session: AVCaptureSession) {

    Notice that I have added a cameraControlQueue, set the delegate, and set the system zoom slider within my addCameraInput function.

    Now, if you run your program on your iPhone, you will notice that you can use the zoom slider within your own app:

    Add exposure control

    You can easily add control for exposure by adding one more camera control to the array:

    // configure for camera control button
    let systemZoomSlider = AVCaptureSystemZoomSlider(device: backCamera) { zoomFactor in
        // Calculate and display a zoom value.
        let displayZoom = backCamera.displayVideoZoomFactorMultiplier * zoomFactor
        // Update the user interface.
    let systemBiasSlider = AVCaptureSystemExposureBiasSlider(device: backCamera)
    /// remove existing camera controls first
    self.session.controls.forEach({ self.session.removeControl($0) })
    /// add new ones
    let controlsToAdd: [AVCaptureControl] = [systemZoomSlider, systemBiasSlider]
    for control in controlsToAdd {
        if self.session.canAddControl(control) {

    Now, when you launch the app and quickly double tap (not press) on the camera button, you will see 2 options, and you can switch to the exposure control (which is a slider provided by the system)

    Add custom slider

    You can initialize a custom slider, and use setActionQueue to get notified when the value changes.

    Here is a little joke where you control the time (4th dimension( with my camera app (fancy right?)

    let timeTravelSlider = AVCaptureSlider("MszProと時間旅行", symbolName: "pawprint.fill", in: -10...10)
    // Perform the slider's action on the session queue.
    timeTravelSlider.setActionQueue(self.cameraControlQueue) { position in

    Add custom picker

    You can also allow the user to pick one of the many given options (for example, a list of filters)

    let indexPicker = AVCaptureIndexPicker("Post to",
                                           symbolName: "square.and.arrow.up",
                                           localizedIndexTitles: [
    indexPicker.setActionQueue(self.cameraControlQueue) { value in

    Notice, the value you get within the function is an index number.

    That is how you do it!

    Did you learn how to add custom camera control options within your own app? Here is the complete code:

    import SwiftUI
    import AVFoundation
    import Combine
    import AVKit
    // MARK: - SwiftUI Representable for Camera Preview
    struct CameraLayerView: UIViewRepresentable {
        let cameraSession: AVCaptureSession
        func makeUIView(context: Context) -> CameraContainerView {
            let container = CameraContainerView()
            container.backgroundColor = .black
            container.previewLayer.session = cameraSession
            container.previewLayer.videoGravity = .resizeAspect
            return container
        func updateUIView(_ uiView: CameraContainerView, context: Context) {
            // No dynamic updates needed
        // A UIView subclass that hosts an AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer
        class CameraContainerView: UIView {
            override class var layerClass: AnyClass {
            var previewLayer: AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer {
                guard let layer = self.layer as? AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer else {
                    fatalError("CameraContainerView: Failed casting layer to AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer.")
                return layer
    // MARK: - Unified Camera ViewModel
    class CameraViewModel: NSObject, ObservableObject {
        // Session states
        enum CameraSetupState {
            case idle
            case configured
            case permissionDenied
            case failed
        @Published var setupState: CameraSetupState = .idle
        @Published var capturedPhoto: UIImage? = nil
        @Published var permissionGranted: Bool = false
        let session = AVCaptureSession()
        private let photoOutput = AVCapturePhotoOutput()
        private var videoInput: AVCaptureDeviceInput?
        // Dispatch queue for configuring the session
        private let configurationQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "")
        private let cameraControlQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "")
        override init() {
        deinit {
        // MARK: - Public API
        /// Checks camera permissions and configures session if authorized.
        func requestAccessIfNeeded() {
            let authStatus = AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for: .video)
            switch authStatus {
                case .authorized:
                    permissionGranted = true
                case .notDetermined:
                    AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(for: .video) { [weak self] granted in
                        guard let self = self else { return }
                        DispatchQueue.main.async {
                            if granted {
                                self.permissionGranted = true
                            } else {
                                self.setupState = .permissionDenied
                    // Denied or Restricted
                    setupState = .permissionDenied
        /// Initiate photo capture.
        func capturePhoto() {
            guard setupState == .configured else { return }
            let settings = AVCapturePhotoSettings()
            photoOutput.capturePhoto(with: settings, delegate: self)
        // MARK: - Session Configuration
        private func configureSessionIfIdle() {
            configurationQueue.async { [weak self] in
                guard let self = self, self.setupState == .idle else { return }
                self.session.sessionPreset = .photo
                // save configuration and start camera session
        private func addCameraInput() {
            do {
                guard let backCamera = AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInWideAngleCamera,
                                                               for: .video,
                                                               position: .back) else {
                    print("CameraViewModel: Back camera is unavailable.")
                    setupState = .idle
                let cameraInput = try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: backCamera)
                if session.canAddInput(cameraInput) {
                    videoInput = cameraInput
                    DispatchQueue.main.async {
                        self.setupState = .configured
                } else {
                    print("CameraViewModel: Unable to add camera input to session.")
                    setupState = .idle
                // configure for camera control button
                /// zoom slider
                let systemZoomSlider = AVCaptureSystemZoomSlider(device: backCamera) { zoomFactor in
                    // Calculate and display a zoom value.
                    let displayZoom = backCamera.displayVideoZoomFactorMultiplier * zoomFactor
                    // Update the user interface.
                /// exposure slider
                let systemBiasSlider = AVCaptureSystemExposureBiasSlider(device: backCamera)
                /// custom slider, learn time travel with MszPro
                let timeTravelSlider = AVCaptureSlider("MszProと時間旅行", symbolName: "pawprint.fill", in: -10...10)
                // Perform the slider's action on the session queue.
                timeTravelSlider.setActionQueue(self.cameraControlQueue) { position in
                /// custom index picker
                let indexPicker = AVCaptureIndexPicker("Post to",
                                                       symbolName: "square.and.arrow.up",
                                                       localizedIndexTitles: [
                indexPicker.setActionQueue(self.cameraControlQueue) { value in
                /// remove existing camera controls first
                self.session.controls.forEach({ self.session.removeControl($0) })
                /// add new ones
                let controlsToAdd: [AVCaptureControl] = [systemZoomSlider, systemBiasSlider, timeTravelSlider, indexPicker]
                for control in controlsToAdd {
                    if self.session.canAddControl(control) {
                /// set delegate
                self.session.setControlsDelegate(self, queue: self.cameraControlQueue)
            } catch {
                print("CameraViewModel: Error creating camera input - \(error)")
                setupState = .failed
        private func addPhotoOutput() {
            guard session.canAddOutput(photoOutput) else {
                print("CameraViewModel: Cannot add photo output.")
                setupState = .failed
            photoOutput.maxPhotoQualityPrioritization = .quality
            DispatchQueue.main.async {
                self.setupState = .configured
        private func startSessionIfReady() {
            guard setupState == .configured else { return }
        private func stopSession() {
            configurationQueue.async { [weak self] in
                guard let self = self else { return }
                if self.session.isRunning {
    // MARK: - AVCaptureSessionControlsDelegate
    extension CameraViewModel: AVCaptureSessionControlsDelegate {
        func sessionControlsDidBecomeActive(_ session: AVCaptureSession) {
        func sessionControlsWillEnterFullscreenAppearance(_ session: AVCaptureSession) {
        func sessionControlsWillExitFullscreenAppearance(_ session: AVCaptureSession) {
        func sessionControlsDidBecomeInactive(_ session: AVCaptureSession) {
    // MARK: - AVCapturePhotoCaptureDelegate
    extension CameraViewModel: AVCapturePhotoCaptureDelegate {
        func photoOutput(_ output: AVCapturePhotoOutput,
                         didFinishProcessingPhoto photo: AVCapturePhoto,
                         error: Error?) {
            guard error == nil else {
                print("CameraViewModel: Error capturing photo - \(error!)")
            guard let photoData = photo.fileDataRepresentation() else {
                print("CameraViewModel: No photo data found.")
            self.capturedPhoto = UIImage(data: photoData)
    // MARK: - SwiftUI Main View
    struct ContentView: View {
        @ObservedObject var viewModel = CameraViewModel()
        var body: some View {
            GeometryReader { _ in
                ZStack(alignment: .bottom) {
                    CameraLayerView(cameraSession: viewModel.session)
                        .onAppear {
                        .onCameraCaptureEvent() { event in
                            if event.phase == .began {
                    // Capture button
                    VStack {
                        Button {
                        } label: {
                            Text("Take Photo")
                        .padding(.bottom, 20)
                    // Thumbnail of the captured photo
                    if let image = viewModel.capturedPhoto {
                        Image(uiImage: image)
                            .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
                            .frame(width: 120, height: 90)
                            .padding(.bottom, 80)
            .task {
                let supportsCameraButton = self.viewModel.session.supportsControls
    // MARK: - SwiftUI Preview
    #Preview {


  • Detect, extract, Segment objects on given image in iOS (ImageAnalysisInteraction, VNGenerateForegroundInstanceMask)

    In Photos app, you can long press to extract objects (animals, people) from an image. In this article, we will talk about implementing this same feature using `ImageAnalysisInteraction`, and we will dig deeper to calling `VNGenerateForegroundInstanceMaskRequest` to archive this without using any image views.

    Who says cats cannot party?

    (a demo of extracting the foreground cats and replacing the image background)

    This article will apply to both UIKit and SwiftUI applications.

    • Detect the objects within a given image
    • Highlight different objects in your code
    • Get the image of the object

    As a bonus of this article, I will also show you how to:

    • Get the object at tapped position
    • Replace the image background behind the subjects

    Notice: The code within this article will not run in simulator. You should use a physical device to test it.

    Notice: SwiftUI code follows after the UIKit code

    Let’s get started!

    Method 1: Attaching image analysis component to UIImageView image view

    Detecting objects within an image

    To perform image analysis, you will need to add `ImageAnalysisInteraction` to UIImageView

    Here, you can set the preferred interaction types. If you use the Apple’s Photos app, you will find that you can not only pick objects within the image, but also texts and QR codes. This is defined using the `preferredInteractionTypes` property. You can provide an array to this property to set which object the user can interact with in your app’s image view.

    .dataDetectors means URLs, email addresses, and physical addresses

    .imageSubject means objects within the image (the main focus of this article)

    .textSelection means selecting the text within the image

    .visualLookUp means objects that the iOS system can show more information about (for example, the breed of a cat or dog)

    For this article, you can set it to be only .imageSubject

    Running image analysis

    To run image analysis and check which objects are in the image, you run the below code:

    You can also use the `interaction.highlightedSubjects` property to highlight each or all of the detected objects. In the above code, if we set this variable to `detectedSubjects`, it will highlight all the detected objects.

    Reading the data from image analyzer

    You can read the objects and set which subjects are highlighted in your code by using the `interaction.subjects` property and the `interaction.highlightedSubjects` property.

    Within each of the subject (which conforms to `ImageAnalysisInteraction.Subject`, you can read the size, origin (bounding box), and extract the image

    To access the size and bounding box:

    Getting a single image for all highlighted (selected) object

    You can also get a single image for any objects combined. For example, I can get an image of the left-most cat and right-most cat:

    SwiftUI compatible view

    If you want to use the above logic in SwiftUI, we can write 3 files.

    Here is the ObservableObject which helps share the data between the SwiftUI view `ImageAnalysisViewModel` and the compatibility view `ObjectPickableImageView`

    Here is the compatibility view:

    Here is the SwiftUI view:

    In the SwiftUI view, you can see that we will call the analyzer class directly. For example, to highlight an object, we use `self.viewModel.interaction.highlightedSubjects.insert(object)`.

    Here, we are using .environmentObject view modifier to link the ObservableObject to the compatibility view: `.environmentObject(viewModel)`

    Find the subject at tapped position

    We can also add a feature to detect which object user tapped on.

    First, we will attach a tap gesture recognizer to the image view:

    let tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handleTap(_:)))

    In the handleTap function, we check if there is a subject at the tapped location. Then, we can either extract the image or highlight (or remove the highlight) for the (tapped) subject:

    In SwiftUI, we can use the .onTapGesture view modifier directly to read the tapped position:

    Now, you should be able to tap to highlight or remove the highlight of a subject within the image:

    Method 2: Using Vision requests

    If you do not want to show the image view, and just want to analyze and extract the objects within an image, you can directly use the `VNGenerateForegroundInstanceMaskRequest`, which is the underlying API that the above function calls.

    You can run the analysis like below:

    This function takes the user selected (or your application input) UIImage , convert it to CIImage and then runs the Vision foreground object recognition requests.

    Extract the masked image

    We can get the mask of the objects. As shown below, a mask indicates the pixels that has the foreground objects. Here, the white part indicates pixels that has been detected as the foreground object, and the black part indicates pixels that are the background.

    In the below code, `convertMonochromeToColoredImage` function will help generate a preview mask image. applyfunction will help us to apply the mask to the original input image (so we only get an image of cats without the background).

    In the apply function, we can also try to supply a background image. I first scale and crop that background image to fit the original image, then, I apply it as the background of the foreground image.

    Yep! That’s how I made those cats party!

    You can find the full project code (in SwiftUI) here:

    :relaxed: [Twitter @MszPro](

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